Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Joe Straus swears into Texas Speaker of the House - Not a Joe the plumber, but just as sincere!

Joe Straus was sworn into Speaker of the House at the Texas State Capital. I know that I am not the only blogger posting about this, nor am I breaking the news of this in any way shape or form. I just decided to share the news.

From what I have seen so far, Joe Straus will be great for the State of Texas. He wants to try and mend what has been severed in the past, to include the division of the State Capital. Joe is probably not for gay rights, civil union, or even gay marriage, I could care less about that. I myself believe in family, and I hope that this part of Joe can shine through. He seems like a good man, a good fit for the job, and a bit humorous at times. I look forward to see what can be done this term.

Here is some quotes from the speech Joe Straus gave today:

"The Texas House of Representatives cannot conduct the people's business if it is divided."

"We will create an atmosphere where everyone's voice can and should be heard."

"We must work to provide quality education -- at all levels -- for our children... We must continue to improve access to healthcare; we must improve our transportation system... We must be better stewards of our natural resources and protect our environment."

"Let us reach across the aisle, then reach across the rotunda, to build a better future for Texas"
--From The Dallas Morning News

Here is Joe Straus, announcing his candidacy for Texas Speaker of the House.


Castro's Beard - Austin Live Music

So last night we ventured out, a little bit past our curfew, but we still did. We came across a band called, "Castro's Beard". Now mind you I like music, I like the sound of the band, but the lyrics, well I just have to look past those.

So a little bit about the band. The band is small, a singer/ guitarist/ harmonica, a drummer, and a sax. I know that these guys aren't exactly the best, but I must say that they are doing what they can with what they have.

The music is just that kind of music to lay back and listen to, maybe just "Rocking Chair Blues" would be what I would call it.

I want to see what these guys can do in the future, see how they can grow over time. I am sure it will become pretty interesting. Some things that I would tell them though is to add some bass to the group. I listen and hear a stand-up bass in the music, and maybe even a bass background singer, just to add more of a good feel to the music.

I must say that this just goes to show that you don't have to agree with the lyrics in order to enjoy the music and just jam out!

Last night's gig was at "The Parlor", just between 51st street and Airport, near the State Cemetery. Now I really don't think the venue was the best place, they had decent pizza and a small variety of beer. The band was even shortened to about 5, maybe 6, songs and the gig was over. Just when they were starting to warm up!

Like I said, "Castro's Beard" is something to look forward to more of in the future.
Stay tuned, and maybe even just check them out, wherever they are playing.

Look at Castro's Beard's schedule on Myspace for their next gig!
Check out their YouTube videos as well!

Here's my favorite song of theirs so far!

"Castro's Beard" Grade: B-
"Castro's Beard" has some more room to grow. They have potential to entertain us more!

"The Parlor" Grade: D
I was not impressed with "The Parlor", but probably just a small local bar/ pizza place for the area. They will probably stay that way, small. The service was not something to put up with.


Monday, January 12, 2009

The Last Five Years - Austin - Reviewed

So all in all the show was really good. The music side to it all was fantastic, as Jason Robert Brown wrote it to be. I love hearing musicals live and pure. The Austin Playhouse consist of a main theater and the Larry L. King theater. I have not seen the main theater, but for this show, we were in the Larry L. King theater. As far as the theater goes it is very small (55 seats) and cramped, but once you get into the musical it is really hard to tell. The best part of it being this small is that it is so close and so pure. There is no need for microphones and things like that.

David Gallagher, Myspace, is a performer that we have seen in many other performances, at St. Edward's University in Austin, like Assassins by Stephen Sondheim. He has always been pretty good in these musicals in the past, but this was his first performance outside of school. I was pleased with his performance, but Zack was able to pick out that he was a little pitchy at times, but all in all a good performance.

Annika Johansson, did an excellent job with her performance, barely a mistake in the whole show, that we noticed and remembered at least.

One thing that I rememebered from the first time I saw this performed live, was that there was little to no dialogue. In this performance though there was quite a bit of dialogue, not sure if it was added or if it was always there and I have just blocked it out. Either one could be true. I must say that it is hard for me to say though, whether I liked the dialogue or not. It did help with allowing some of the young kids that attended, understand the story a bit better.

For those gay guys or women that want to see the show, David is a handsome guy, not a model, but attractive. This is a show where David gets shirtless, and even gets undressed down to his boxer briefs. There is at least a bit of enetertainment value there.

This show really is a great musical, and I look forward to see what else this new company can do in the future.

Grade: B There is some more room to grow here, but a great start!


About Boi In Austin

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Chad - Boi In Austin
Boi In Austin is 5'10" blonde hair, blue eyed, gay guy. He grew up in San Antonio, Texas in a conservative household. Now lives in Austin, Texas with his other half.
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