Monday, December 03, 2007

Nappy-******* **** what?

God Bless Don Imus. Today Don Imus returned, if you have no idea what he said and why he is returning, then you must be really out of it or have been living on the dark side of the moon. I know that everyone has an opinion about Don Imus and most probably think that he is a raciest. My opinion is that he is nowhere near being a raciest. He is a white man, that made a really stupid, ugly joke. Point is that if you are not white, then you can say whatever you want. As soon as it is a white guy, saying the exact same thing, then there is a lawsuit and apologies to all follow. Don Imus was stupid for saying what he said, but he was also stupid for apologizing and doing the whole dog and pony show with Al Sharpton.

This inicident should of woken up America and allowed us to realize that no matter what the situation is, we do not have freedom of speech. This is not what the constitution was meant for, to support the loudest wheel like Al Sharpton. Does anyone find that it is wrong what Al Sharpton does to make money? Also, during the Imus apology tour, Sharpton had stated that he was going to change the Rap and Hip-Hop industry by holding the artists that use this language accountable as well. The day Imus got in trouble, should have been the same day that the CD’s , DVD’s, and games using this kind of language be pulled off the shelf. Mind you, I don’t want this to happen, I don’t like listening to that music, I don’t like hearing about “hanging with my homies” and “slapping the slut I’m with”. I don’t care for that, so I don’t listen to it and I don’t buy it. If everyone was disgusted with Imus then the only reason why he should have been fired or let go was because his ratings had dropped, and not ever because of the pressure that Al Sharpton put on NBC. I think Al Sharpton needs to apologize to Jews and white people in America for the things he has said in the past. I think he should also apologize to his fellow clerical members for the disgrace he puts on the position of being a Reverend. “Thou shall not judge”, right Al?

Please voice your opinion, I did.


Ken Burn's and "The War"

This morning on my way to work, I was listening to Opie and Anthony and their guest Ken Burns. Ken Burns does some documentaries, which his latest is called, “The War”. There was some interesting discussions with O&A about what people know about the wars, and what they don’t know.

Just this weekend, we had a guest over at our house and I got in a discussion with him about WWII, and Afghanistan, and in the discussion Russia was brought into the discussion. My friend insisted that Russia had sided with Nazi Germany, and that Russia and Nazi’s had fought together and not against each other. Now, I don’t like arguments, and I am not a history buff, and if I am not 100% I tell people that I am not. In this case I was not 100% but I did say that I was 80% sure that Russia and Germany fought each other. I even brought up the movie “Enemy at the Gates” and said that it was a movie specifically about the two powers fighting. I also mentioned how Germany was split up with the Berlin Wall, and how Russia felt they were owed East Germany because of what happened to Russia during this war. Ken Burns mentioned this exact thing as well, talking about how most high school students have no idea about World History and U.S. History. Jay Leno’s “Jay walking” on the Tonight Show has also hit on this subject of how stupid our fellow countrymen can be. They also touched on the war today, and how few people know anyone that is in Iraq today, unless it is specifically a military town or community. Here I am, a U.S. Marine, and I know plenty of people in Iraq, not to mention, plenty who have come back. This really did make me think this morning about my most recent Marine Corps Birthday Ball where I just about cried. The Birthday Ball was in San Antonio, and was actually on November 10th. San Antonio has several different hospitals, not to mention one of the biggest military hospitals, with one of the biggest military burn units in it, BAMC (Brooks Army Medical Center). Some of the guests at the Ball were Marine and Navy personnel who had returned from Iraq with a little less than what they went with. I shook and hugged my heros, my brothers, my friends. Some with mental instabilities, others with missing limbs, or sever burn marks, each and every one of them had their uniform on and stood proud with it on. I know that most people do not want to see these men, in fear that they would become depressed, but the fact is most of these men are not depressed, but they are happy to be alive, and to have given as much as they did. My unit in the Marines, has some fellow brothers with purple hearts all over the place. It’s nothing to brag about, but most of the guys I work with in my unit have a purple heart. Some, you can tell who has it, and others you would of never guessed. Each time I see one now, I ask them about the story, some will talk about it and others won’t. For the most part, they want to talk about it though. My suggestion is for everyone to start asking their neighbors and friends about these things, find out who they know who has served in this war, find out who has come back on their feet or in a box. Whether you agree with the war or not, we should still talk about it. During WWII it was shocking to people if you didn’t know someone that was in the war. During WWII, everyone gave something, everyone was involved. Please get involved with the military members in this war, during this holiday season ship something to a stranger overseas, donate money to reputable organizations, have a military member that is away from home over for dinner.

I suggest that you should surprise yourself and do something that you would normally not do.

Visit your local military community website to get more information of events going on around you!


Lower 9th Ward to start rebuilding?

So the summary is that Brad Pitt is working with this organization, that it seems like he founded, and is trying to restore the Lower 9th Ward.

The houses are green, meaning they are good for the environment, using solar panels, tank-less water heaters, non-toxic paint, low flow water fixtures, and energy saving fans. The houses are $150,000 and are built to be 8 to 9 feet off the ground. They also have a generator built infor emergency power use. First I wanted to start by saying I am glad to hear that someone has thought of something, I too would l9ove to see the 9th Ward restored to something better than what it was. Problem is, do the people in the 9th Ward really want our help? Not to mention, should we be rebuilding in the 9th Ward with the condition of the levees? I know that Brad Pitt and all others, to include yourself, have read and heard just as much as I have that the major issue is the levees. The levees have yet to be restored to the original state, prior to Katrina. I would think that Brad Pitt and his team of superhero actors would want to raise money to hire the Dutch company to come and fix the levees with the awesome guarantee that they have given us. My theory on this though is it will not be addressed and it will not be fixed. Why? The only answer I have is, the fixing of the levees does not give a physical home to people, it is not very glamorous and fascinating. People don’t walk up and look at a levee and ohh and ahhh about it. Actually, maybe some people would. I would think that we would hear ohhs and ahhs from the families who lost everything during Katrina, they would be excited to get the levees fixed so they can feel safer living at home. So I say to Brad Pitt and the other superhero actors, YOU ARE NOT DOING ENOUGH! Imagine that, maybe they should stop spending their money on traveling and give fabulous homes, and instead use their own personal money for something that would make a difference. Just imagine this, one day on the news you hear, “Well Brad Pitt’s Levee was hit yesterday with a Category 6 hurricane and saved over half a million people today, thanks Brad!... In other news…” Talk about making history huh, talk about fame!

What are some other problems that our Superhero Actors should fix next?

Here is some articles that I read to help me write this:


Sagger Ban

While looking at the Drudge Report this morning, I found it very interesting that the NAACP finds this to be a horrible, by banning the saggy pants. I agree that this is a “freedom” issue. Can the government tell us how to dress and look? This ban does bring an image of “high school hall monitors” armed with rulers and a ticket book manning the streets look for dress code violations. The fact is that those who are pushing in favor of the ban, are looking to bring value back to their community. The NAACP should not be fighting this, they should be helping and supporting the changing of this community. Does the NAACP want “their people” to look like gangsters, and jailed hip-hop thugs? Honestly, I think a community that is trying to show their youth the proper way to present themselves, and the proper professional look in this world, is a caring community. If the ban doesn’t get passed, then the community should just start a marketing ad that says, “If you don’t like looking at our thuggish kids, don’t live here.”

On the other side, if the ban does get passed, how far can this go, where are the constraints to the ban? I would figure that the ban should be issued for a time period. Something like, no sagging of the pants from 8am-5pm M-F. This way the community gains a little, and the children will eventually get tired of looking at their watches, trying to see when they can/can’t sag their pants. Here in Austin, we have Leslie Cochran the half-him/half her person. If this ban were to be issued in Austin, would that mean that people like Leslie would be banned from expressing themselves and presenting their piece of art? I have to say, as a gay man, I kind of enjoy looking at the saggers. Some of these guys are really cute and hot. Let me tell you though, it is not just black guys, and it is definitely not a poverty thing. Saggers can be found in all communities, just look around. My question is, if the gay community was to come out and support the saggers, would we see a rapid decrease in the number of saggers? I propose a campaign, “Support Our Sagger’s: We want to see your ass and balls!” Oh wow, even has a cool catchy abbreviation, SOS. Now that is fitting, just as fitting as saggers’ jeans.

Would you vote for the ban in your city of not?

Check out the articles that go with this post:


Been Gone For Awhile

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About Boi In Austin

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Chad - Boi In Austin
Boi In Austin is 5'10" blonde hair, blue eyed, gay guy. He grew up in San Antonio, Texas in a conservative household. Now lives in Austin, Texas with his other half.
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