The Last Five Years - Austin - Reviewed
So all in all the show was really good. The music side to it all was fantastic, as Jason Robert Brown wrote it to be. I love hearing musicals live and pure. The Austin Playhouse consist of a main theater and the Larry L. King theater. I have not seen the main theater, but for this show, we were in the Larry L. King theater. As far as the theater goes it is very small (55 seats) and cramped, but once you get into the musical it is really hard to tell. The best part of it being this small is that it is so close and so pure. There is no need for microphones and things like that.
David Gallagher, Myspace, is a performer that we have seen in many other performances, at St. Edward's University in Austin, like Assassins by Stephen Sondheim. He has always been pretty good in these musicals in the past, but this was his first performance outside of school. I was pleased with his performance, but Zack was able to pick out that he was a little pitchy at times, but all in all a good performance.
Annika Johansson, did an excellent job with her performance, barely a mistake in the whole show, that we noticed and remembered at least.
One thing that I rememebered from the first time I saw this performed live, was that there was little to no dialogue. In this performance though there was quite a bit of dialogue, not sure if it was added or if it was always there and I have just blocked it out. Either one could be true. I must say that it is hard for me to say though, whether I liked the dialogue or not. It did help with allowing some of the young kids that attended, understand the story a bit better.
For those gay guys or women that want to see the show, David is a handsome guy, not a model, but attractive. This is a show where David gets shirtless, and even gets undressed down to his boxer briefs. There is at least a bit of enetertainment value there.
This show really is a great musical, and I look forward to see what else this new company can do in the future.
Grade: B There is some more room to grow here, but a great start!