So I love Christmas and the meaning of giving love, shelter, and so on to those you love the most, and to the rest of the world. I also believe that it should not be just at Christmas time. Yes, it is true. I don't give to every homeless person on the street, nor do I give money away, all the time. Let's just say that I am generous, randomly. In my past, I have done a lot of charity, and have been a part of a lot of projects. With all that said, I kind of have a problem with "Band Aid", also known as "Live Aid". Honestly, I think a lot of these performers get sucked into this release of an album, which lines other people's pockets more than those that they are trying to help out. Mind you I know that, even on a small scale, it is hard to make sure every dollar goes to where it is intended. My suggestion is to give to those in need yourself. There are plenty of people hurting this Christmas, and more pain is to come. Give what you can, that is all I say. If you don't know where to donate to, or who to give to, you can give to me, and I will see that it does good. You will also receive pictures, and stories from those that benefit, if you wish! Better yet though, just email/comment and I can make some suggestions! Merry Christmas and Have a Happy New Year!
Now, here are the three versions of "Do they know it's Christmas Time at All?" This is my favorite Christmas song this year, for some reason. Mind you, I know that it is the climate in Africa that does not let it snow, or rain. Do they celebrate Christmas in Africa? Yes, they probably do, but just like everyone in the U.S. does it differently, so do they. Either way, this is still a decent song , musically, to listen to. All three of them!
May I also suggest to take a look at the Wikipedia site, talking about Band Aid. Interesting stuff, and also shows who took a part in it all.