Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Joe Straus swears into Texas Speaker of the House - Not a Joe the plumber, but just as sincere!

Joe Straus was sworn into Speaker of the House at the Texas State Capital. I know that I am not the only blogger posting about this, nor am I breaking the news of this in any way shape or form. I just decided to share the news.

From what I have seen so far, Joe Straus will be great for the State of Texas. He wants to try and mend what has been severed in the past, to include the division of the State Capital. Joe is probably not for gay rights, civil union, or even gay marriage, I could care less about that. I myself believe in family, and I hope that this part of Joe can shine through. He seems like a good man, a good fit for the job, and a bit humorous at times. I look forward to see what can be done this term.

Here is some quotes from the speech Joe Straus gave today:

"The Texas House of Representatives cannot conduct the people's business if it is divided."

"We will create an atmosphere where everyone's voice can and should be heard."

"We must work to provide quality education -- at all levels -- for our children... We must continue to improve access to healthcare; we must improve our transportation system... We must be better stewards of our natural resources and protect our environment."

"Let us reach across the aisle, then reach across the rotunda, to build a better future for Texas"
--From The Dallas Morning News

Here is Joe Straus, announcing his candidacy for Texas Speaker of the House.

About Boi In Austin

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Chad - Boi In Austin
Boi In Austin is 5'10" blonde hair, blue eyed, gay guy. He grew up in San Antonio, Texas in a conservative household. Now lives in Austin, Texas with his other half.
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