Nappy-******* **** what?
God Bless Don Imus. Today Don Imus returned, if you have no idea what he said and why he is returning, then you must be really out of it or have been living on the dark side of the moon. I know that everyone has an opinion about Don Imus and most probably think that he is a raciest. My opinion is that he is nowhere near being a raciest. He is a white man, that made a really stupid, ugly joke. Point is that if you are not white, then you can say whatever you want. As soon as it is a white guy, saying the exact same thing, then there is a lawsuit and apologies to all follow. Don Imus was stupid for saying what he said, but he was also stupid for apologizing and doing the whole dog and pony show with Al Sharpton.
This inicident should of woken up America and allowed us to realize that no matter what the situation is, we do not have freedom of speech. This is not what the constitution was meant for, to support the loudest wheel like Al Sharpton. Does anyone find that it is wrong what Al Sharpton does to make money? Also, during the Imus apology tour, Sharpton had stated that he was going to change the Rap and Hip-Hop industry by holding the artists that use this language accountable as well. The day Imus got in trouble, should have been the same day that the CD’s , DVD’s, and games using this kind of language be pulled off the shelf. Mind you, I don’t want this to happen, I don’t like listening to that music, I don’t like hearing about “hanging with my homies” and “slapping the slut I’m with”. I don’t care for that, so I don’t listen to it and I don’t buy it. If everyone was disgusted with Imus then the only reason why he should have been fired or let go was because his ratings had dropped, and not ever because of the pressure that Al Sharpton put on NBC. I think Al Sharpton needs to apologize to Jews and white people in America for the things he has said in the past. I think he should also apologize to his fellow clerical members for the disgrace he puts on the position of being a Reverend. “Thou shall not judge”, right Al?
Please voice your opinion, I did.