Lower 9th Ward to start rebuilding?
So the summary is that Brad Pitt is working with this organization, that it seems like he founded, and is trying to restore the Lower 9th Ward.
The houses are green, meaning they are good for the environment, using solar panels, tank-less water heaters, non-toxic paint, low flow water fixtures, and energy saving fans. The houses are $150,000 and are built to be 8 to 9 feet off the ground. They also have a generator built infor emergency power use. First I wanted to start by saying I am glad to hear that someone has thought of something, I too would l9ove to see the 9th Ward restored to something better than what it was. Problem is, do the people in the 9th Ward really want our help? Not to mention, should we be rebuilding in the 9th Ward with the condition of the levees? I know that Brad Pitt and all others, to include yourself, have read and heard just as much as I have that the major issue is the levees. The levees have yet to be restored to the original state, prior to Katrina. I would think that Brad Pitt and his team of superhero actors would want to raise money to hire the Dutch company to come and fix the levees with the awesome guarantee that they have given us. My theory on this though is it will not be addressed and it will not be fixed. Why? The only answer I have is, the fixing of the levees does not give a physical home to people, it is not very glamorous and fascinating. People don’t walk up and look at a levee and ohh and ahhh about it. Actually, maybe some people would. I would think that we would hear ohhs and ahhs from the families who lost everything during Katrina, they would be excited to get the levees fixed so they can feel safer living at home. So I say to Brad Pitt and the other superhero actors, YOU ARE NOT DOING ENOUGH! Imagine that, maybe they should stop spending their money on traveling and give fabulous homes, and instead use their own personal money for something that would make a difference. Just imagine this, one day on the news you hear, “Well Brad Pitt’s Levee was hit yesterday with a Category 6 hurricane and saved over half a million people today, thanks Brad!... In other news…” Talk about making history huh, talk about fame!
What are some other problems that our Superhero Actors should fix next?
Here is some articles that I read to help me write this: