Thursday, December 18, 2008

While At BNAT X

So while I was at Harry Knowle's Butt-Numb-A-Thon 10, okay so I was standing outside, I had someone randomly walk up to me and sit next to me.

So the full story is simply this, I was waiting for McG to finish up with his presentation of Terminator: Salvation, and drinking a sprite, outside the Alamo Drafthouse - South Lamar, when people started to come out of the theater for a cigarette. Mind you this is like 8:00 AM on a Sunday morning. These people coming outside had been at the theater since Noon the previous day, watching movies and drinking alcohol. So there I was just sitting at a picnic table, when next thing I know, Elijah Wood is standing next to me. I was in a suit with a tie and here he is with his cute messenger bag and smoking a cigarette. I just about fell out of my seat, in which case I probably would of smacked him with my hand, he was that close, but in the end, I didn't fall. I ended up just quietly and slowly moving away and giving him room. I should of asked for a handshake or a picture or something, but really I was just thinking in my head, "God, he is so cute!" I have never really liked Elijah or found him attractive until then, now I see it.

His eyes in person are just so beautiful, he is just so small and cute too. I noticed too that he seemed very nice and down to earth, he was interacting with everyone as if he was just a regular guy and not a guy that makes over $200,000 per year. I would love to get to know Elijah more, maybe sit, smoke, and just lounge and chat, seems like a really cool guy!

Elijah if your listening, hit me up.

About Boi In Austin

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Chad - Boi In Austin
Boi In Austin is 5'10" blonde hair, blue eyed, gay guy. He grew up in San Antonio, Texas in a conservative household. Now lives in Austin, Texas with his other half.
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