Friday, January 23, 2009

Benjamin Button - Movie Review

So let me start out by saying that I did like this movie, it was very moving and it really did know how to tug at the old heart strings.
Now, "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button" was very much like "Forest Gump" and "Titanic". I kind of got the feeling, in the movie, that this is exactly what the writer, director, and studio was thinking. They probably figured that if they make it similar to those movies, then the outcome of their success will be similar as well. Honestly too, I don't really think that there was a single part of the movie that surprised me.

As far as, jobs well done, I would have to hand that to the Special Effects team. I heard that they actually digitally aged, and made younger, Brad Pitt for this movie. If you pay close attention too, the smaller versions of Benjamin Button, in some parts, are Brad Pitt. I don't give Brad the award, or pat on the back, because I really don't think he deserved it. Some parts where Brad did his older man voice, was pretty annoying after awhile, and also I saw a lot of "Meet Joe Black" in this movie. We all know that Brad can act, but not in this movie.

Did Brad get naked enough in this movie? No not really, I mean can we get enough of nude Brad ever? I do have to say though that Brad did do some hot sex scenes in the movie and showed some of his backside, worth watching the movie for that scene.

As for the other actors in the movie, I am not a fan of whinny Cate Blanchett, but I will say that as her character got older in the movie, Cate's acting actually got more believable. The younger versions of Cate were done by a different actor, a child, and the most annoying part was when I noticed that the little girl's voice was Cate's dubbed in. Come on now, why can't they just use the little girl's voice, what is this, the Chinese hosting the Olympics again?

All in all, I liked the movie, the story was different and the special effects were pretty cool. Since I already have "Forest Gump", "Meet Joe Black", and "Titanic" in my movie collection, I probably won't be adding this one to it for sometime.


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Chad - Boi In Austin
Boi In Austin is 5'10" blonde hair, blue eyed, gay guy. He grew up in San Antonio, Texas in a conservative household. Now lives in Austin, Texas with his other half.
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