Monday, December 03, 2007

Sagger Ban

While looking at the Drudge Report this morning, I found it very interesting that the NAACP finds this to be a horrible, by banning the saggy pants. I agree that this is a “freedom” issue. Can the government tell us how to dress and look? This ban does bring an image of “high school hall monitors” armed with rulers and a ticket book manning the streets look for dress code violations. The fact is that those who are pushing in favor of the ban, are looking to bring value back to their community. The NAACP should not be fighting this, they should be helping and supporting the changing of this community. Does the NAACP want “their people” to look like gangsters, and jailed hip-hop thugs? Honestly, I think a community that is trying to show their youth the proper way to present themselves, and the proper professional look in this world, is a caring community. If the ban doesn’t get passed, then the community should just start a marketing ad that says, “If you don’t like looking at our thuggish kids, don’t live here.”

On the other side, if the ban does get passed, how far can this go, where are the constraints to the ban? I would figure that the ban should be issued for a time period. Something like, no sagging of the pants from 8am-5pm M-F. This way the community gains a little, and the children will eventually get tired of looking at their watches, trying to see when they can/can’t sag their pants. Here in Austin, we have Leslie Cochran the half-him/half her person. If this ban were to be issued in Austin, would that mean that people like Leslie would be banned from expressing themselves and presenting their piece of art? I have to say, as a gay man, I kind of enjoy looking at the saggers. Some of these guys are really cute and hot. Let me tell you though, it is not just black guys, and it is definitely not a poverty thing. Saggers can be found in all communities, just look around. My question is, if the gay community was to come out and support the saggers, would we see a rapid decrease in the number of saggers? I propose a campaign, “Support Our Sagger’s: We want to see your ass and balls!” Oh wow, even has a cool catchy abbreviation, SOS. Now that is fitting, just as fitting as saggers’ jeans.

Would you vote for the ban in your city of not?

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Chad - Boi In Austin
Boi In Austin is 5'10" blonde hair, blue eyed, gay guy. He grew up in San Antonio, Texas in a conservative household. Now lives in Austin, Texas with his other half.
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